Picnic with Old Masters

The performance refers to various scenes in the paintings of old maters, a collection at the Residenz Galerie in Salzburg. As if going on a picnic, the work explores the relevance between the past and present, surface and deapth, culture and nature, sense and nonsense.

Ongoing action for 3 hours
Performance at Residenzgalerie Salzburg / Festival Sommerszene

Direction, choreography: Michikazu Matsune
Performance: Sander Deben, Ewa Dziarnowska, Andrea Gunnlaugsdóttir, Katarina Barbara Kavcic, Patrik Kelemen, Gustavo Monteiro, Mzamo Nondlwana, Maria Teresa Tanzarella
Props: Johannes Weckl
Photo: Elsa Okazaki
